Everything Is Better When We Work Together!

Everything Is Better When We Work Together!

141 Second Street 
Vanceburg, KY  41179
606 440 0135

Fund Raiser

Don’t miss this Chamber event at the Carter House on August 19th from noon until 5! Enjoy either a pulled pork dinner or Kenny’s delicious chicken and dumplings served with mashed potatoes and green beans. Music from the Tony Jarrells Band and vendors in the second room at the Carter House. 


Lewis County Animal Shelter

Meet and open your heart and home to a sweet dog from the Lewis County Animal Shelter. Hope to see you there!


The Chamber of Commerce is a volunteer, non-profit organization that unites the efforts of business
and professional individuals in an effort to foster a healthy economy to benefit the entire community.  We strive to provide a format for business in which ideas can grow and be shared. Currently funded by our members and driven by progressive leadership, our organization offers programs and services that support our members, and in turn, support the community.

Join the chamber!

Ohio River Way 
Flip Book

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Get Involved!

Become a
 Lewis County Chamber Member

Regular Chamber Meetings are held at 6:00 pm the fourth Tuesday of the month at The Carter House, located at 12 W. Second Street, Vanceburg.

Use the link at the top of this page to
 download a Chamber Membership Application.


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Chamber Membership Form.

Why Join The Chamber

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